Meeting Schedule

The CCBA Board meets approximately 6 times per year. Generally, the meeting starts at 7:00pm various places around the city and suburbs, generally at the homes of board members (or their common rooms).

The months with meetings are: January (short meeting at WinterFest to elect CCBA Executive Members), February, April, June, August, October and December.

If you would like to attend any of our meetings please contact our Unit Administrator at (630) 235-4718.  (Contact by e-mail by looking at the bottom of this page for e-mail contact information.)

Various committees including: Nominating Committee, Scheduling Committee, Novice Committee and Hospitality Committee (to name a few) meet sporadically as needed on no particular schedule.

Advisors to the Board

Our Kibitzer Editor is Demaris Johnson.  She is responsible for our Unit's publication that comes out every two months.

Her fine work can be found under The Kibitzer menu at the top of this page.


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