Harmon Wilkes Award

The most prestigeous honor that the CCBA Board of Directors awards, is the Harmon Wilkes Award.

This award is not automatically presented each year, but only when the CCBA Board of Directors deems that there is a member that has met the following conditions:

  1. Observes both the laws and ethics of the game.
  2. Plays competitively and is always fair.
  3. Is gracious in victory as well as in defeat.
  4. Is pleasant as a partner or an opponent.
  5. Exhibits good manners at the bridge table and awareness that pleasure is also a purpose for playing bridge.
  6. Graciously abides by the ruling of the directors and does not give unsolicited lessons during the game.
  7. Avoids discussion of boards in the presence of new opponents.
  8. Refrains from intemperate drinking and has regard about personal appearance.
  9. Does not become angered or quarrelsome.
  10. Has a genuine interest in the preservation and development of duplicate bridge and the maintenance of its good reputation.

Year    Recipient

2022    (not awarded)

2021    Eldad Ginossar

2020    (not awarded)


2019    (not awarded)

2018    Jack Oest

2017    Craig Allen

2016    Angie Clark

2015    Ginny Schuette

2014    Howard Engle

2013    Allan Jonas 

2012    Cheri Bjerkan

2011    Ralph Katz

2010    George Jacobs


2009    Jeff Miller

2008    Tillie Ott

2007    Eleanor Shadur

2006    Anne Hayes

2005    Harriette Buckman

2004    Carol Labarge

2003    (not awarded)

2002    Mary Gardner

2001    Jim Humphrey

2000    Greg Gran


1999    (not awarded)

1998    Jerry Goldfein

1997    Jim Stevens

1996    (not awarded)

1995    Tom Obermeier

1994    Fred Buckman

1993    Adrienne Cohen

1992    Jim Burt

1991    Helen S. Brown and Gloria Harris

1990    Art Gran

1989    Barbara Saben

1988    Bob Price


General Information

Each year at the annual membership meeting in January, (held during the Saturday of Unit 123's, Winterfest Sectional) the CCBA recognizes those players in Unit 123 that have achieved various masterpoint goals.

The awards that are presented to Unit 123 members at the January Membership meeting are as follows:

  • The Jan Ivory Award is given to the Non-Life Master player who wins the most masterpoints in the previous year.
  • The Art Glatt Trophy is given to the player who won the most masterpoints at CCBA events in the previous year.
  • The Bob Glenn Award is given to the player who won the most masterpoints won in CCBA Regionals in the previous year.
  • The Ace of Clubs is given to the player who won the most masterpoints won at the club level during the previous year.
  • The Mini McKenney is given to the player who won the most masterpoints won during the calendar year at all Nationals, Regionals, Sectionals and the club level.


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