CCBA 2025 Standardized Masterpoint Stratifications

The CCBA has standardized masterpoint stratifications for 2025 tournaments to balance the number of players in each flight, based on recent tournament data. 

Open Events

    A = 5000+ masterpoints

    B = 2000 to 4999 masterpoints

    C = 0 to 1999 masterpoints

Separate Gold Rush Events

    A = 400 to 750 masterpoints

    B = 200 to 399 masterpoints

    C = 0 to 199 masterpoints

Find a Bridge Teacher with the CCBA Bridge Tracker

If you want to learn bridge or improve your bridge skills, the CCBA Teacher Tracker provides information about Chicago area bridge teachers, along with their contact information. View the Tracker by clicking this link: CCBA Teacher Tracker

The document will be updated periodically as information and details change. If you are a teacher and want to be included in the Teacher Tracker, or if you need to update the information that you provided, please contact Jamie Rubenstein, CCBA Communications Committee Co-Chair, at


Connect with area bridge players in our Facebook Group

The CCBA has a Facebook group where Chicago area players, club owners, and teachers can make bridge-related announcements, share information, and interact with each other.

If you are a Facebook user, you may have already received an invite. Simply accept the invite to become part of the group. If you haven't received an invite, go to Groups in Facebook, search for CCBA, and request to join the group. You'll be asked a few simple questions about your connection to the CCBA and an administrator will approve your request.

Once a member, you'll be able to invite other players to join as well. This is a private group, which will help us avoid spam and trolls. 

We're looking forward to seeing you in Facebook. Please post any ideas you have about how to best use the group in the Discussions area.


2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027


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      Bridge Association